Pull, Push, and Nudge

“In the end it’s best to pull whenever you can, push whenever you must, and nudge all the time.”  That’s the closing (and the best) line of an article that someone sent my way this week.  The article is called The Power of Professional Capital – adapted from a book written by two Canadian EducationContinue reading “Pull, Push, and Nudge”

Be More Curious. Take More Risks.

I was recently given an article called “Four (Secret) Keys to Student Engagement.”  I was, of course, excited right away because the title had the words “Secret Keys” and that sounds super cool.  Plus, all teachers want to have students who are more engaged so if these authors had the secret keys to pull thatContinue reading “Be More Curious. Take More Risks.”

The End of the Story – Will Ferrell, Jim Stockdale, and Educators

There’s this movie with Will Ferrell, Emma Thompson, and Dustin Hoffman called Stranger than Fiction. Have you seen it? If not, you should watch it; it’s excellent.  Will Ferrell is a character in a book that Emma Thompson is writing and there’s this interplay between her story and real life that is creative and thoughtContinue reading “The End of the Story – Will Ferrell, Jim Stockdale, and Educators”

What’s a Growth Mindset?

“If you started at a school where the teachers were not familiar with the concept of a ‘growth mindset’ how would you introduce the concept?” Someone posed this question to group of educators I’m part of. Growth mindset has been a hot topic in education recently. The concept is simple but profound. People with aContinue reading “What’s a Growth Mindset?”

Get Better

According to Steven Covey, the primary thing that separates great leaders from good leaders is simply “being an individual who can be trusted.” After making this claim, Covey lists and explains 13 behaviors that characterize a leader who can be trusted. When I talked through these high trust behaviors with a group of colleagues thisContinue reading “Get Better”

Ice Cream Before School

It started when I was 4 years old.  My parents would take my sister and me out for ice cream the day before school started.  We’d go to an ice cream shop called Swanson’s.  I’d look over all of the flavors pretending to have a difficult time making a decision (Everyone in my family knewContinue reading “Ice Cream Before School”

Swimmers, you’re being watched

My two oldest kids swim for the Loomis Basin Dolphins.  Since I wasn’t a swimmer growing up it has taken me a while to learn the ins and outs of how this whole swim team thing works.  It’s a whole different culture with its own unique language and norms.  This year though. I’m fully in. Continue reading “Swimmers, you’re being watched”

Things I learned at local high school film festival

Sunday was the 2nd annual Northern California Media Educators (NCME) Media and Film Showcase.  It’s an opportunity for media, film, and broadcasting students from the region to submit some of their best work to be judged by industry professionals.  Five of my students and I made our way to San Juan High School for theContinue reading “Things I learned at local high school film festival”

I beat him again – but not really

Yesterday was my 10th year in a row running the California International Marathon.  It runs from Folsom through 6 different cities on its way to the steps of the Capitol Building in Sacramento.  In previous years, there’s been major rain or freezing winds, but yesterday’s weather was perfect – high 40s at the start andContinue reading “I beat him again – but not really”

The Greatest Week Video Contest

It’s Homecoming week at Del Oro, and it’s huge.  Every day has a different dress up theme (doctors vs. patients, blast from the past, alarm didn’t go off, etc.) and students and teachers go all out with their costumes.  Every night this week students are at school until about 10pm building floats for the paradeContinue reading “The Greatest Week Video Contest”