Teaching on purpose

My 9 year old is obsessed with soccer right now.  It seems like he’s constantly dribbling a ball around the house, trying new moves to get by his brothers and sister, passing the ball off the walls over and over, and seeing how many times he can juggle the ball without it touching the ground. Continue reading “Teaching on purpose”

Be More Curious. Take More Risks.

I was recently given an article called “Four (Secret) Keys to Student Engagement.”  I was, of course, excited right away because the title had the words “Secret Keys” and that sounds super cool.  Plus, all teachers want to have students who are more engaged so if these authors had the secret keys to pull thatContinue reading “Be More Curious. Take More Risks.”

The Graduation Experience

Del Oro High School’s class of 2015 graduated on Saturday morning at 8am.  The morning was beautiful and the ceremony was close to perfect.  Speeches were delivered, hands were shaken, diplomas were handed over, and there were smiles on nearly every face. My student media team had to deal with lots of moving parts inContinue reading “The Graduation Experience”

The Greatest Week Video Contest

It’s Homecoming week at Del Oro, and it’s huge.  Every day has a different dress up theme (doctors vs. patients, blast from the past, alarm didn’t go off, etc.) and students and teachers go all out with their costumes.  Every night this week students are at school until about 10pm building floats for the paradeContinue reading “The Greatest Week Video Contest”

Live from the room next door

Monday was parent night at Del Oro High School.  In previous years, I’ve had my broadcasting students record a news show the week before that I can show to their parents.  If the show doesn’t come out great, if the transitions are that smooth, if the audio needs some work, I can fix all ofContinue reading “Live from the room next door”

Give us another quiz!!

I found this new assessment tool that left my students asking for more. It turned a quiz into a game with live results, a leader-board, trash talking and cheering for more.  It’s called kahoot and if you’re a teacher whose students have access to computers, tablets or smartphones, you’ve got to check it out.

A student showed me Quizlet

In the intro to technology class that I teach, students are introduced to a slew of new vocabulary.  Over the course of a 9 week quarter, students learn 200 tech-related vocab terms.  They take a quiz on a subsection of these terms each week and their final at the end of the course includes allContinue reading “A student showed me Quizlet”

Google Plus in my classroom

I started a 7 week experiment with Google+ in my Tech Essentials class last week.  There are a few parts of the curriculum that I think will lend themselves to being easily (maybe that’s not the right word) integrated into the Google + experiment.  Here are a few initial thoughts on how this might work:Continue reading “Google Plus in my classroom”